This project is part of the work that we have been doing at the University of Illinois. The class is a five-week seminar ...
Nine Spaces Eighteen Hands
This project is part of the work that we have been doing at the University of Illinois. The class is a five-week seminar where the Freshman Foundation students get to work with three different professors in variety of projects. The class format is a stream of conscious syllabus that includes Rilke Poems, Michael Hanecke Films, Fred Sandbeck Sculptures, Alain Robbe-Grillet and lively conversation. We have one rule; we attempt to do everything in one class period from concept to execution. In general we asked the students if they would collaborate with us on a New Catalogue Book Series that related to the content of the class. (See Nine Mustaches and Students Read Rilke). We spend around 20 to 30 minutes at the end of the class photographing the idea. For this project we wanted to reference Fred Sandbeck’s yarn pieces and give them a document where depth of field was emphasized. We walked out the doors on a cool Autumn day and asked each student to make a space with their hands and just stare at it. We were surprised how many of them made very little spaces! On a side note Ashley’s giant ball was such an inspiration and it now hangs in our studio as a visual guide to the task ahead.